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Accountability of AJISO in the time of COVID -19 pandemic

On 16 March 2020, the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children of Tanzania Honorable Ummy Mwalimu announced the first case of COVID-19, gradually increasing new cases.  As a way to deal with the effects the pandemic caused, various measures were taken while regular day-to-day activities were carried out rather than following the lock down strategy of the cities.

COVID-19 was the enemy none of us will ever cease to recall, the heavy atmosphere it brought worldwide plus the dire repercussions it left behind, not only here at the Action for Justice in Society (AJISO).

 It is most unfortunate that many individuals had limited access to information sources in national border areas such as the Tarakea and Usseri at Rombo district-Kilimanjaro to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. However as the world knows, accessibility of healthcare facilities in Tanzania is on a gradual progress even before the COVID-19 pandemic erupted.

With generous support from Foundation for civil society (FCS) at Moshi Municipal and Rombo district, and Bread for the world at, Tarakea and Usseri divisions at Rombo district, AJISO took front line seats to fight against COVID-19 in Kilimanjaro region by provision of mass education, free masks and water tanks.

AJISO staffs work hard to provide mass awareness and prevention techniques concerning the COVID-19 at the five market of Maimoria, Mbuyuni, Majengo, Manyema and Pasua from Moshi Municipal and seven markets of Tarakea , Usseri, Mashati, Mkuu, Mangulwa,Mamsera and Holili  Markets from Rombo district.

Again AJISO understands the importance of masks on how it plays a vital role in protection of people against COVID-19 whereas it did go an extra mile and donated a free mask at Mawenzi Hospital located at Moshi municipal and Huruma hospital at Rombo district. The free masks aim to help health workers and patients to protect themselves against COVID-19.

The remarkable work done by AJISO in the previous activities influence Foundation for Civil Society in installing big water tanks at Tarakea, Useri, Mashati and Holili the government through Moshi Urban Water Institute built water sinks, also AJISO  designed and printed flyers and banners for public awareness concerning COVID-19 in Kilimanjaro region. 

AJISO insists on taking medical advice protection techniques against COVID-19 so as to protect one another against spreading of pandemic. AJISO appreciates brave medical staff all over the world who devote their time to saving billions of people during this terrible pandemic era. COVID-19 is real, and everyone must take all necessary measures to protect our beloved one and oneself.