“Through relevant and innovative programs we promote public accountability on human rights protection”
AJISO focuses on enhancing protection and access to justice for vulnerable individuals through legal empowerment, aligning with international instruments such as CEDAW, the Maputo Protocol, the CRPD, and the CRC. By supporting paralegals and establishing school child protection clubs, AJISO actively promotes access to justice for marginalized groups like women, children, and Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). With plans to expand interventions, including reaching more schools and operationalizing village-level committees, AJISO remains dedicated to advancing protection and justice for vulnerable individuals.
AJISO aims to empower women and youth socio-economically and civically, aligning with national and international frameworks on socio-economic rights. Through initiatives like the FYDPIII and SDGs, AJISO addresses challenges faced by marginalized groups, fostering self-reliance and resilience against adversities like climate change and pandemics. Empowered individuals, particularly women and girls, are better equipped to assert their rights and advocate for socio-economic and civic justice.
In Rombo District, a project is underway to empower People living with Disabilities (PLWDs), aiming to alleviate poverty and reduce dependency ratios within their communities. PLWDs often face social segregation due to their conditions, hence the project’s focus on improving their livelihoods. Through entrepreneurial engagement, PLWDs are equipped with skills to design accessories like bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, accompanied by knowledge on effective product promotion. This initiative directly benefits PLWDs, fostering economic independence and societal inclusion.
Community microfinance groups in Rombo district and Moshi have, received practical training on new alternative stoves aimed at enhancing health, safety and environmental conservation. They learned to use solar-powered stoves and building and utilization of a wood-conserving stove. These training sessions, conducted collaboratively by facilitators from AJISO and the MAJI MLANGONI project, aimed to provide women with efficient cooking energy solutions. The initiative not only equipped participants with valuable skills but also promoted sustainability and environmental conservation.
AJISO strives to combat harmful societal norms and practices that undermine the rights of women and children, emphasizing community engagement and grassroots movements. Despite gender-related policies in Tanzania, entrenched cultural norms persist, adversely affecting marginalized groups. AJISO intervenes to address attitudinal barriers and emerging challenges such as cyberbullying and identity loss among youth, recognizing the urgency of promoting gender and youth rights to combat social disorder effectively.
AJISO aims to enhance its institutional performance and sustainability to surpass its current level. The organization has undergone significant growth, evolving from a single staff member to a team of 15, with increasing support from development partners indicating a positive reputation and goodwill. This growth is attributed to robust systems, structures, and internal operational guidelines. Recognizing the pivotal role of institutional capacity and performance in achieving its goals, AJISO plans to prioritize scaling up its internal operations under this result area. Addressing funding challenges is a key focus, and AJISO intends to develop a resource mobilization strategy (RMS) to guide resource solicitation from various avenues.
In collaboration with UZIKWASA, AJISO successfully orchestrated a partnership with EASUN, an Arusha-based organization, to facilitate reflective training sessions for its entire team. This comprehensive training initiative, which included members, board members, and staff, was strategically designed to cultivate positive organizational change, foster unity within the team with a primary focus on enhancing leadership skills, ultimately ensuring a harmonized approach to project implementation.
AJISO focuses on providing legal aid for individuals in need, community empowerment through VICOBA program, and advocating for children’s rights.
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