AJISO provides legal aid on a daily basis to people with various issues such as land disputes, probate, marriage, child maintenance, labour and Gender Based Violence. We also work closely with paralegals in providing Legal aid services in Rombo District
Three years ago we had a project of enhancing Paralegal practice to social justice in Rombo district. Through the project paralegals groups were formed in five division within Rombo which includeMkuu, Mengwe, Mashati, Usseri and Tarakea. Paralegals were chosen from each village ensuring representation of the same. Paralegals got trainings throughout the project period on various laws and how to offer services to the community.
The paralegals have been working with the community closely through the provision of Legal Aid services resulting in identification of various problems such as land issues, marriage, children maintenance, probate, Gender Based Violence, rape and labor issues. Paralegal involvement has contributed to solving the cases within the community members amicably hence a good relationships is maintained. Also the number of court cases has decreased due to the Paralegals work
The paralegals cooperate with the government at grassroot level that is the Village and ward Executive Officers, the police and Gender desk, the social welfare office, courts and Religious institutions such as the church.
AJISO has also helped in formation of the Rombo Paralegal Organisation (ROPAO) therefore paralegals have their own organization through which they regulate their own activities.
AJISO also provides legal education on Human rights and other laws through seminar, training and a live Radio program.
Below is the AJISO Legal officer Miss Angelina Salewa providing legal education to the existing Vicoba Groups.