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In order to guarantee fair access to justice for all, legal aid service is necessary, especially for people and institutions that lack the access to sufficient financial resources. Over the decade AJISO is defined as a renown legal aid service provider to individuals who are unable to afford legal representation in the courts in all districts of the Kilimanjaro Region.

In relation to that AJISO developed a new initiative to improve social-economic justice for children, women and marginalized groups and it was launched by AJISO at the beginning of 2020, with the broad aim of providing social justice for every member of society in the districts of Rombo, Mwanga, Hai, Moshi Rural and Moshi urban. The project activities include; providing legal education, paralegal training and coordinating events for legal campaigns.

The provision of legal aid education places itself at the core and the center of project activities; AJISO identifies different individuals/groups potential beneficiaries and works closely with them. AJISO mainly works with community saving groups (Village Community Banks/VICOBA) ,  the groups formed and monitored under AJISO at Usseri and Tarakea division in the Rombo district.

Through this project, AJISO succeeded in introducin


g new 47 community saving groups, with more than Tsh5,000,000 capital distributed to each group in the district of Rombo. Over time, AJISO’s paralegals offer free legal services as their regular activities at their designated locality areas, advised only when required to seek more legal professional assistance from AJISO headquarters.

AJISO has entered into partnership with ‘Sauti ya Injili’ 92.2 Fm, a community radio that operates at Kilimanjaro, to increase the vastness of the recipients. Our legal aid department pays a visit once a week and participates in a  “Fahamu haki zako” live radio broadcast session. Over the short period of time, the radio program has brought a big impact to our radio audience concerning the legal aid service. The program is currently going viral as we frequently receive questions and feedback.

Since the launch to date, AJISO legal department in collaboration with paralegals at Rombo, we are pleased to admit more than 127,671 community members. We look forward to extending our field of operation in the near future by growing the number of new paralegals admitted and the number of our beneficiaries from all Kilimanjaro districts and neighboring regions.