Networking with uzikwasa at Pangani

AJISO members including the Executive Director were able to attend a networking session that was held by UZIKWASA at Pangani whereby 7 organizations that have been capacitated on using reflective approach were able to come together and share an experience of applying the same in their activities, including its effect on how it works, challenges […]
FOLD (Facilitating Organization Learning Development) training.

3 of AJISO’S staff members been supported by UZIKWASA were able to participate in facilitators training issued by EASUN starting from July 2021 on being capacitated to become facilitators of change through the use of Reflective approaches and also to be able to facilitate organizations learning developments. This short course ended in November 2021 and […]
The Executive Director providing a certificate to one of the interns from outside the country

The organization has a program that provides internships to people from different countries who have the desire and curiosity to learn about how the organization operates especially on matters of Legal aid, human rights, empowerment, and Gender-Based Violence.
AJISO’s team having a short discussion with visitors from un women.

Our organization gained an opportunity to host visitors from UN Women, whose main aim was to look onto different perspectives the organization has concerning the NPA COMMITTEES as well as the way forward in ensuring these committees are committed to making it happen in their communities.
AJISO in an activity of providing sanitary towels to young girls in schools

AJISO’S staff attended in the provision of pads to girls in schools so that they can sustain themselves as girls.
Iriksongo secondary school staff members receiving a reflective training from AJISO for two days.

This training was provided to the teaching and non-teaching staffs with tools like posture, use of power, group works, and others so that they may deeply look onto how they attend to the students at their school when they are confronted for assistance and not only that but also to look onto how they treat […]
Reflective training provided to the staffs of relijuu and mramba primary schools

This training was provided to the teaching and non-teaching staffs with different tools like posture, use of power, group works and others so they may deeply look onto how they attend to the students at their school when they are confronted for assistance and not only that but also to look onto how they treat […]
AJISO at Mwanga district with the chairpersons and the ward executive officers

The team of AJISO provided reflective training with a variety of tools like posture, strategic question, group discussions, and many others for these leaders to see, feel and gain an understanding of their importance in making changes in their communities and not only that but also ensuring that they have capacitated the NPA-VAWC committees in […]
Tanzania’s General Election from the eye of AJISO.

We provided voters education during pre- election period and election observation on the day of general election to Mwanga, Rombo and Moshi Municipal. The project is funded by Dutchy Embassy. AJISO collaborated with and organization called FFSO who works in Arusha and Arumeru district. Community educators were also involved. This project led to increase in […]